Bangladesh's longest-serving Finance Minister M Saifur Rahman was buried on Monday at the family graveyard in Baharmardan of Moulavibazar after he died in a car crash on Saturday, 5 Sept. 09.
He represented Bangladesh in the Commonwealth, UN, World Bank and International Developemt Aid meetings and strictly maintained the policy of potraying us not as beggers but a country with millions of hard working people and overseas remittance earners and a number of innovative devlopment paradigms to gift to the world such as Micro-credit, Non-formal Education, Disaster Management and Women empowerment.
As a Finance Minister he always blatantly criticised impcompetency in civil service and gave opportunites to merit hard working officers. He did bring a number of reforms in Revenue Generation and NBR service as well.
Business community loved him for creating a most business friendly policy package for industrialisation which triggered the highest industrial growth rate in Bangladesh during his two tenures as Finance Minister. And, he inrtoduced them in the face of stiff opposition from World Bank and donors who always prescribe anti-industry reform pacakges that increase business costs.
As a Finance Minister he always blatantly criticised impcompetency in civil service and gave opportunites to merit hard working officers. He did bring a number of reforms in Revenue Generation and NBR service as well.
Business community loved him for creating a most business friendly policy package for industrialisation which triggered the highest industrial growth rate in Bangladesh during his two tenures as Finance Minister. And, he inrtoduced them in the face of stiff opposition from World Bank and donors who always prescribe anti-industry reform pacakges that increase business costs.
'The last act is always tragic, however happy all the rest of the play is.
At the last,
a little earth is thrown upon our head,
and that is the end for ever.....'
Dr. Hasanat Husain MBE
Voice For Justice World Forum
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